List of Most Powerful People in the world 2011 Forbes Top 25 Names

World Powerful People 2011-2012
Ranking Name Age Posting Country
1 Barack Obama 50 President USA
2 Vladimir Putin 59 Prime Minister Russia
3 Hu Jintao 68 President China
4 Angela Merkel 57 Chancellor Germany
5 Bill Gates 56 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Co-Chair USA
6 Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud 87 King Saudi Arabia
7 Pope Benedict XVI 84 Roman Catholic Church Pope Germany
8 Ben Bernanke 57 Chairman of the Federal Reserve USA
9 Mark Zuckerberg 27 Facebook Founder USA
10 David Cameron 45 Prime Minister UK
11 Sonia Gandhi 64 Indian National Congress President India
12 Mario Draghi 64 European Central Bank President Germany
13 Nicolas Sarkozy 56 President France
14 Wen Jiabao 69 Premier China
15 Zhou Xiaochuan 63 People's Bank of China Governor China
16 Hillary Clinton 64 Secretary of State USA
17 Michael Bloomberg 69 New York City Mayor USA
18 Timothy Geithner 50 Secretary of the Treasury USA
19 Manmohan Singh 79 Prime Minister India
20 Warren Buffett 81 Berkshire Hathaway CEO USA
21 Silvio Berlusconi 75 Prime Minister Italy
22 Dilma Rousseff 63 President Brazil
23 Carlos Slim Helu & family 71 Telmex Chairman USA
24 Rupert Murdoch 80 News Corp CEO USA
25 Benjamin Netanyahu 62 Prime Minister Israel


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